Kelios pastabos dėl formų šų̃, sesų̃

Vytautas Vitkauskas


Some notes about forms šų̃, sesų̃


The short lingual analysis of žemaičiai dialects noun consonantial stem forms šų̃, sesų̃ allow­ed us to draw the conclusion that these forms apeared as a result of wrong transponated forms šu·n, sesu·n of žemaičiai dūnininkai (Var̃niai, Pãvandenė, Váiguva) in the literature language. It happened in this way when the consonant n apeared as a result of the latter nasalisation of vowels i, u which descended from diphthongs ie, uo in these dialects.

DOI: 10.15388/baltistica.2.2.930

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